
EN: Hello World! Look who's back on the blog after nearly two years of absence. I know, I owe you a huge explanation. It will come, slowly, little by little. Why did I disappear? Well, I didn't like anymore the way I was blogging, it was all about ME ME ME and small talk (if you know me in real life, you surely know how much I hate talking nonsense). A pause was the only option, I needed time to rethink and redirect. It took me so long because I kept changing my mind, and as a perfectionist I was never totally satisfied. Also, I had to push back my start date several times due to everything happening around the world right now, I wasn't feeling it really. I have missed doing this as hell, you cannot even imagine how much being back makes me happy and can't wait to show you all what comes next!

IT: Salve Mondo! Guardate un po' chi e' tornato sul blog dopo quasi due anni di assenza. Lo so, vi devo tante spiegazioni. E ve le daro', piano piano, un po' alla volta. Perche' sono sparita, vi starete chiedendo? Diciamo che, non mi piaceva piu' il modo in cui stavo usando la mia piattaforma, mi ero persa un po' in frivolezze. Una pausa era necessaria, tempo per pensare e reindirizzare il tutto. Mi ci e' voluto molto perche' da perfezionista che sono, non ero mai del tutto convinta. In piu', con tutti gli avvenimenti degli ultimi mesi, non me la sentivo proprio. Ma Dio solo sa quanto il mio blog mi sia mancato, ed essere tornata mi rende enormemente felice. Non vedo l'ora di mostrarvi tutte le novita'!

FR: Salut tout le monde! Regardez qui est de retour sur le blog après presque deux ans d'absence. Oui, je sais, je vous dois beaucoup d'explications. Et je vous les donnerai, petit à petit. Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi j'ai disparu. Disons que je n'aimais plus la façon dont j'utilisais ma plateforme, je me suis perdue dans les n'importe quoi. Une pause était nécessaire, pour réfléchir et rediriger le tout. Cela m'a pris du temps car en tant que perfectionniste, il y avait toujours quelque chose qui n'allait pas. De plus, avec tout ce qui s'est passé récemment dans le monde, je n'en avais pas envie. Du coup, mon blog m'a vraiment manqué et être de retour me rend extrêmement heureuse. J'ai hâte de vous montrer toutes les nouveautés!

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